Experience and learn more

A kayaker in front of a huge rock
For more experienced kayakers, the Paddling Academy offers self-guided expeditions, private lessons, winter kayaking, longer kayaking expeditions in Archipelago Sea of Finland and sea kayaks for hire. We are in the Archipelago Sea to make your kayaking trip a memorable one. Welcome to kayak with us!

Expeditions and training for experienced kayakers

Kayak and camping equipment rental

Equipments for hire

TuoteVuorokausi hintaViikko hinta
Sea kayak (single)
High quality sea kayak, including spray deck, paddle and kayaking vest.
High quality windproof 1-2 person tent
Sleeping bag15€100€
Sleeping bag sheet10€60€
Camping mat
traditional thin foam model
Accommodation package
Includes: sleeping bag, sleeping bag sheet and Camping mat
Camping stove package
For 2 people: camping stove, gas bottle, eating utensils and water bottle.
Välinevuokraus lomake

Other services for paddlers


A couple of days of very different landscapes, emotions, winds and conditions and a night on a desert island. Gabriel guided our group with his diamond-like professionalism and sunny attitude to enjoy the relaxing bays and also to challenge themselves safely. I can warmly recommend!!

Hanna Vihava
Sea kayaking weekend tour

Gabriel, you are an outstandingly wonderful person. It's adventurers and influencers like you that the world needs. I hope we meet again.

Leena Haakana
Sea kayaking weekend tour
Uutiskirje liittymislomake
Yhteys lomake