
An instructor guiding a kayak student along the shore
Melonta Akatemia järjestää merimelonnan koulutusta Saaristomeren Kansallispuistossa ja Saaristomerellä. Koulutuskeskuksenamme toimii Saaristokeskus Korpoström. Opi lisää melonnasta nauttien samalla upeasta saaristossa ammattitaitoisen kouluttajan seurassa. Järjestämme pyynnöstä koulutusta myös muualla Etelä-Suomessa. Toimimme yhteistyössä Suomen Melonta- ja soutuliiton sekä Suomen Merimelontayhdistyksen kanssa ja kurssimme vastaavat heidän vaatimuksiaan.

Basic courses

Further courses

Private coaching and courses


The Paddler's Path


As an experienced paddler, I can say that it was a great trip and I got a precise introduction to techniques that were once familiar but less used (such as side paddling). Plus general flair, alertness and guidance into the mighty landscape - for which my thanks. 🙂

Sirpa Nieminen
Guided kayaking tour

How can anyone make learning anything new so enjoyable and at the same time very well informed, achieving both a focused and relaxed mind in just the right way. Such was the case with the kayaking course led by Gabriel in July 2024. Perhaps the best two days of my summer holiday!

Basic course in sea kayaking

Overall, the course was well designed and structured. The trainers were professional and motivating. The initial nervousness quickly disappeared because you could fully trust the instructors, you felt safe during the whole course. After the course I felt that I had to go paddling immediately. Strong recommendation for this course!

Participant in a kayaking course
Basic course in sea kayaking

A nice, appropriately sized group and great, knowledgeable trainers. THANK YOU!
Being more of a lake person, I wanted to challenge myself and take a course to the sea. A great archipelagic sea, which I now intend to explore more with guided kayaking trips.

Participant in a kayaking course
Basic course in sea kayaking

The course was really good. Although I was nervous beforehand, the course was encouragingly practical. It was great that the rescue exercise was done in nature, so you got the experience that after a fall you can't really get a warm shower and go indoors on a kayaking trip. The instructors were very professional, so you could concentrate on learning and experimenting in peace. The days were also well-scheduled, so there was plenty of energy for the whole time.

Participant in a kayaking course
Basic course in sea kayaking

After the course I realised that I didn't know much about kayaking. The course really changed my perception of kayaking, what all the techniques etc. are. In the future I can go out on the water with more confidence.

Participant in a kayaking course
Basic course in sea kayaking

In particular, the course helped me to notice things about safety and paddling technique that I hadn't thought about before.

Participant in a kayaking course
Seafarers' training

Erinomaista opastusta mahtavissa maisemissa 10+

Antti Hyvönen
Merimelonnan jatkokurssi - Meloja 2
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