
An instructor guiding a kayak student along the shore
Paddling Academy organises basic and advanced training in sea kayaking in the Archipelago Sea National Park and elsewhere in the Archipelago Sea. Learn more about kayaking while enjoying the beautiful archipelago with a professional coach. We also organise courses in other parts of Southern Finland on request. We cooperate with the Finnish Canoeing and Rowing Federation and the Finnish Sea Kayaking Association and our courses meet their requirements.

Basic courses

Private coaching and courses


Further courses

The Paddler's Path


What a great sunny weekend behind us! Kayak tour in calm weather, small waves and some bigger waves as well. Paddling in incredibly clear water. What a great start for a holiday! Thank you Paddling Academy and Moving Heart!

Katja Laine  
Sea kayaking weekend tour

As an experienced paddler, I can say that it was a great trip and I got a precise introduction to techniques that were once familiar but less used (such as side paddling). Plus general flair, alertness and guidance into the mighty landscape - for which my thanks. 🙂

Sirpa Nieminen
Guided kayaking tour

Miten voikin mistä tahansa uuden opettelusta joku tehdä niin mukavaa ja samalla hyvin hyvin tietoista, jolloin juuri oikealla tavalla saavuttaa sekä keskittyneen että rennon mielen. Tällaista oli Gabrielin ohjaamalla melontakurssilla heinäkuussa 2024. Kesälomani kenties parhaat kaksi päivää!

Basic course in sea kayaking
Uutiskirje liittymislomake
Yhteys lomake